Monday, November 10, 2008

The Palin Push-Back

Sources who are willing to go on the record - and use their names - have exposed the negative stories about Gov. Palin as falsehoods
Sources who are willing to go on the record - and use their names - have exposed the negative stories about Gov. Palin as falsehoods

The Palin Pushback: Now we are learning just how false and malicious the recent attacks on Gov. Palin were.

The mainstream press will peddle this junk from unreliable, cowardly, anonymous sources. But the sources who are willing to go on the record - and use their names - have exposed the negative stories about Gov. Palin as falsehoods. Via Red State.

Fight back! Join Sarah Palin for President 2012!


Tami said...

Nice site! Thanks for visiting our group on Team Sarah, we also have a blog:
Check it out!
God Bless,

Unknown said...

I can't wait until 2012. Sarah Palin all the way. I got a laugh out of this the other day. I am already counting down the days